Category: Flowering trees

bauhinia purpurea
Flowering trees

Bauhinia purpurea

Plant name bauhinia  The scientific name bauhinia purpurea Size (max. height) 12 metres Growth speed Fast growing Exposure to sunlight One of the plants that

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delonix regia uses
Flowering trees

Delonix regia

Plant name  Poinciana tree The scientific name Delonix regia Growth speed Quick Exposure to sunlight Withstands degrees of sun and humidity Odor It has a

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Peltophorum Pterocarpum
Flowering trees

Peltophorum Pterocarpum

Peltophorum Pterocarpum Plant name Peltophorum Pterocarpum scientific name Peltophorum Pterocarpum Size Height from 15 to 35 meters.  Original home Sri Lanka.  Age of the pultiform

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Tecoma stans
Flowering trees

Tecoma stans

Plant name Yellow tecoma tree.  The scientific name   Tecoma Stans.  Size The height may reach from 6 to about 9 meters.  Original home Central

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Cochlospermum regium
Flowering trees

Cochlospermum regium

Plant name Yellow cotton tree.  The scientific name Cochlospermum regium.  The size The height ranges from 8 to about 12 metres.  Original home Brazil to

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callistemon viminalis height
Flowering trees

callistemon viminalis

  Plant name callistemon viminalis The scientific name The scientific name is callistemon viminalis. Growth speed callistemon considered slow growing as it can grow at

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plumeria obtusa hindi name
Flowering trees

Plumeria Obtusa

Size max height Plumeria Obtusa grows to a length of 8 meters, maximum height and width of 6 metres. Growth speed Relatively fast growing Exposure to

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Bougainvillea flowering season
Flowering trees


    Thai Bougainvillea is a very beautiful plant, catching the eye as soon as it is seen in any landscape! It is characterized by its

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Tabebuia Rosea
Flowering trees

Tabebuia Rosea

  Name Tabebuia Rosea The scientific name Tabebuia Rosea the size The height may reach about thirty metres.  Original home Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador. Age of

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