Bauhinia purpurea

bauhinia purpurea
Plant namebauhinia 
The scientific namebauhinia purpurea
Size (max. height)12 metres
Growth speedFast growing
Exposure to sunlightOne of the plants that tolerates the sun all the time
OdorDistinctive aromatic scent
IrrigationIt is irrigated twice in the summer and once in the winter daily

The camel slipper tree – Buhinia (bauhinia purpurea) is considered one of the evergreen trees that always blooms. The camel slipper plant is characterized by rapid growth. It is a tropical plant that tolerates weather conditions, has a distinctive aromatic smell, in addition to its pink flowers.

bauhinia purpurea common name

Description of bauhinia purpurea tree

bauhinia is an ornamental plant that saves space. Its height ranges between 6 and 15 metres. The bauhinia purpurea is also characterized by large, dark green leaves, characterized by a pair of attached round lobes, which is why it is called the camel slipper. It can reproduce in three different ways, which are by The path of seeds, cuttings and cancers.

Types of bauhinia plant 

There are several types of camel slipper plant

 As the flowering orchid blooms during the winter and spring, it is used for ornamental purposes. The flower buds are used as a type of vegetable in India.

bauhinia purpurea uses

Colors of bauhinia purpurea plant

bauhinia purpurea characterized by its green leaves and multi-colored flowers, including pink, which include brown, circular seeds. It is also grown in gardens.

bauhinia purpurea

How to care for bauhinia?

  • bauhinia purpurea tree seeds are planted in well-drained soil.
  • It is fertilized twice a year with organic fertilizer.
  •  It tolerates sun and high humidity, provided that bauhinia purpurea seeds are planted in June.
  •  Watering is done twice a day, especially in the summer, while watering is done once in the winter, and it is also pruned in the spring.

If you need any quantity of the bauhinia purpurea tree – camel slipper, you can contact us at Gulf Gardens Nurseries in Thailand , and we will give you the good news that you are ready to benefit from the finest plants, and be fully confident that we are able to provide a professional service at competitive prices. Just contact us now and learn the details.

You may be interested in learning about more flowering trees. Read also:

Peltophorum Pterocarpum

Cordia Sebestena’


What is the method of planting bauhinia tree?

There are three ways to grow the camel slipper plant: either through seeds or cuttings, where the seeds are planted in the soil at a depth ranging between 1 cm and 2 cm.

Benefits of bauhinia tree?

The extract of the camel slipper plant is used to treat many diseases, including leprosy, ulcers, digestive system diseases, and colds.

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