Carica papaya

Carica papaya
Plant namePapaya tree. 
Papaya scientific nameCarica papaya
SizeThe height ranges from three to about eight meters. 
Home countryIn the tropical and subtropical regions of Mexico and Central America. 
tree ageLifespan up to fifteen years. 
Growth rateFast growing. 
soilAll types of soil but well drained. 
Exposure to sunlightNeeds indirect sunlight with light shade. 
The smellAn unpleasant-smelling plant with sweet-smelling flowers. 
Irrigationheavy or moderate water, regular 

There are many people who prefer to plant Carica papaya trees around them everywhere, from homes, farms, gardens, around swimming pools, etc.; this is due to the special features of this plant, such as the fragrant smell of its flowers, the delicious and tasty fruits, and the fact that it is one of the distinctive evergreen herbaceous plants with multiple medical benefits and importance. 

Carica papaya benefits

Carica papaya description

Carica papaya is an evergreen plant and fruit tree that is highly sensitive, especially to drought. It has a single trunk without branches, produces good-tasting fruits, and grows in various countries of the world such as Mexico, India, Brazil, Egypt, the Sultanate of Oman, Bahrain, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other warm countries away from extreme cold that can negatively affect its growth. 

It has some specifications, which can be summarized as follows:

  •  Papaya Tree Height: The maximum height of the Carica papaya is about eight meters, with a spread of one and a half to three meters. 
  • Plant color: Green on the outside and yellow on the inside with a flavor that is a mix between mango and melon. 
  •    Flowers: They are yellow in color and have a size of three to four cm.   
  • Fruits: berries of the berry type, 20 to 30 cm in size, edible. 
  • Leaves: Contain several large lobes.  
  • Stem: A herbaceous plant with a semi-woody stem. 

How to grow papaya trees?

Farming is done by the most skilled and efficient workers in several basic steps, including:

  • Choose the right place for the plant and expose it to sunlight. 
  • Choosing the right soil for this plant. 
  • Preparing the seeds for planting is done by washing the seeds of the ripe fruits, then removing the seeds from the gelatinous sac surrounding each seed to complete the growth process. 
  • Dry the seeds in a shaded place away from the sun. 
  • Store seeds in an airtight container. 
  • Place each seed in a pot until it starts to grow after about two weeks, then grow leaves, flowers, etc. until the tree is complete. 

Papaya scientific name

How to care for papaya trees?

Carica papaya growth requires some attention and care to grow properly, starting with providing suitable soil, correct irrigation methods and systems, fertilization, and appropriate lighting for the plant.  

 Some instructions for caring for the papaya tree – Carica papaya are available at:

  • Irrigation: The young tree needs a lot of water and a lot of water in case of drought, but in rainy conditions it needs medium water once every two or three days on a regular basis. As for the large tree, it is watered at a rate of once a week; this is due to its rapid growth, as lack of water leads to the fall of the fruits and the weakness of the tree, and also more water than necessary results in the rapid spread of diseases in the plant. 
  •  Fertilizers and nutrition: Fertilizers rich in balanced nutrients should be applied, starting with chemical fertilizer six times a year after planting, then in the second year it is applied four times during the year, then organic fertilizer is added about twice, with the rest of the fertilizers sprayed once.
  • Soil: It grows in all types of soil, but prefers loamy soil, sandy soil, or heavy, well-drained soil, with tolerance to light salinity. It needs appropriate moisture due to its sensitivity to drought. 
  • Lighting and sunlight: It needs light and sunlight, but indirectly, for six to eight hours, with slight shade, and is affected by high and low temperatures.  
  • Insects: Any pests or insects must be eliminated using insecticides to avoid damage to the trees and fruits.  

Carica papaya use

Papaya tree growth stages

Carica papaya grows in several successive and harmonious stages that start with green color and then turn to orange. These stages are:

  • The shiny black seed is dried in a cool place and can germinate in about two to five weeks. 
  • Tree leaf growth is characterized by rapid growth. 
  • The flowers grow from the central stem in about six months, and may contain male or female flowers, or both, and attract insects and butterflies. 
  • Fruiting takes six to twelve months and only female plants produce fruit. 

When does a papaya tree bear fruit?

It is a fast-growing fruit, bearing fruit ten to twelve months after planting and has the ability to grow and ripen even after being cut from the tree. 

It has many benefits such as:

  • Maintaining heart health through dietary fiber, minerals such as potassium, calcium, and vitamins it contains. 
  • Strengthening the immune system due to the presence of vitamin C in it. 
  • Reduce the appearance of signs of aging and old age. 
  • Antioxidant. 
  • Improves digestion. 
  • Reducing the risk of cancer. 
  • Helps in losing weight. 
  • Reduce joint inflammation. 
  • It is used in the manufacture of cosmetics. 
  • It helps in digesting proteins. 
  • Menstrual pain relief. 
  • It is used for patients with colon. 
  • It is recommended for diabetics to eat it because it contains a small amount of sugar. 
  • Maintains eye health with the presence of Vitamin A. 
  • Get rid of anxiety and stress. 
  • Contribute to the treatment of blood pressure. 

papaya description

Best Nurseries to Buy Carica papaya Seedlings Online

Gulf Gardens Nurseries in Thailand is one of the best nurseries in Thailand, famous for its efficiency, quality and ability to provide various types of trees, including the papaya tree – Carica papaya. 

Some of the advantages over other competitors are:

  • Maintaining plants during delivery. 
  •  24/7 customer service. 
  • Extensive experience in dealings and procedures for all countries around the world according to all government departments (Ministry of Environment – Ministry of Agriculture). 
  • Quality and mastery in work with extreme precision.  
  • Prices suitable for everyone with offers and discounts available.  
  • Speed ​​of delivery of orders. 
  • Care and attention to trees to the fullest. 
  •   Our team includes the most skilled professionals in tropical and subtropical tree care to ensure that our trees are of the quality that meets our customers’ expectations.
  • Ease of communicating with us through various communication channels, Facebook, WhatsApp, or phone call.
  • We are distinguished by accuracy in work.

If you need a reliable nursery to buy various plants from, especially the Carica papaya, then we at Gulf Gardens Nurseries in Thailand are the best and ideal choice for you, as we have extensive experience, high efficiency and great professionalism in supplying trees to various countries of the world, with high quality and the presence of a large quantity of local and imported plants.

You can contact us now to start the first step to get the best types of trees at the best prices, just contact us now.

Gulf Gardens Nurseries in Thailand provides you with various types of fruit trees, whether tropical or otherwise.

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