Delonix regia

delonix regia uses
Plant name Poinciana tree
The scientific nameDelonix regia
Growth speedQuick
Exposure to sunlightWithstands degrees of sun and humidity
OdorIt has a fragrant scent
IrrigationOnce or twice every week

Poinciana (Delonix regia) is one of the favorite flowering ornamental trees for many, because of its aesthetic appearance with its colorful flowers that bloom during the spring, and it is an evergreen tree.

delonix regia uses

Description of the Poinciana Tree (Delonix Regia)

The poinciana tree, or as it is called the royal palm tree, is native to Madagascar. It is famous for its distinctive crimson and orange flower colors that take the shape of claws, and the length of the flowers is 8 cm. As for the leaves, they are green in color and take the shape of feathers. It is distinguished by its rapid growth, so it is always in bloom. Plant it in large gardens and front yards and provide great shade.

delonix regia common name

Poinciana tree species

There are many types of Delonix Regia tree, including:

  • The rain tree is native to tropical America.
  • Indian beech that thrives in dry and humid areas.
  • Yellow flame tree characterized by yellow clusters

How to care for poinciana plants?

The royal grove tolerates various weather factors, including hot and humid climates, not severe frost, and soil salinity. It also needs regular irrigation during the growth stages of the poinciana tree and constant fertilization in order for it to bloom continuously. It is also planted at the beginning of the spring during the months of March and April because it prefers warm weather.

delonix regia family name

Poinciana tree size

The tropical and subtropical environment is considered the best for growing Delonix Regia, as the length of each leaf ranges between 30 and 50 cm, while the length of each pod is 60 cm and its width is 5 cm. The length of the poinciana tree ranges between 9 and 12 metres.

Steps for growing poinciana

Delonix regia tree has several stages of growth until it reaches the stage of continuous flowering, which are as follows:

  • The pods of the original poinciana tree are dried until they reach brown color, then soaked in boiling water for a full day. Next comes the step of preparing the soil and fertilizing it with organic fertilizers.
  • Then the seeds of the royal hornwort are buried in the soil, covered, and watered until they germinate, as it takes 12 days to reach the germination stage if appropriate cultivation conditions are available.
  • It needs soil with a pH ranging between 5 and 10.6 degrees and exposure to the sun to increase the growth rate. It is constantly pruned to protect it from the wind.

delonix regia flower

 How to water a poinciana tree

Poinciana trees depend on rain when they begin to grow. The growth stages of the poinciana tree are completed through direct irrigation once or twice a week, and care is taken to plant it in well-drained soil, provided that irrigation is stopped during the winter.

When does the poinciana tree bloom?

The Poinciana tree is exposed to drought in some seasons of the year, and its leaves flourish in other seasons. The royal palm tree also blooms between the months of May and June, and therefore it is one of the trees that thrives in spring and summer.

Delonix regia

The best nurseries to supply poinciana trees

There are many nurseries specialized in supplying different trees, but Gulf Gardens Company (Gulf Gardens Nurseries in Thailand) remains the best one to provide you with all types of trees that have been planted with great care by the most skilled experts. It can also be shipped to anywhere in the Middle East and other countries. Countries.

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